What Are The Best Supplements For An MMA Practitioner?

Martial arts practitioners, as well as fellow practitioners, need a personalized program to achieve the best results. For this, we must start from a good diet (basis for better performance), a program of complementary training (bodybuilding and cardiovascular exercises) and good food supplements.

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), which stands for Combined Martial Arts, is a very demanding modality that makes the arms, legs, and abdominals work and stimulates fitness, flexibility and agility.


An MMA athlete needs to eat more than 2g of protein per pound of body weight. If you take a natural anabolic, the protein intake can be 2 to 4g per pound of body weight.

The egg protein and whey protein are the most rapidly absorbed by the body. Normally, the ideal proportion of protein that should be taken with each meal, is approximately equal to the size of the palm of the hand. Low protein intake can cause problems with concentration, sleep, fatigue, muscle tension, sprains, skin problems, constipation or diarrhea, etc.

An MMA athlete needs to eat every 2 / 3h. There is no point in consuming too much protein during meals because it causes poor absorption of all nutrients. Most athletes will have difficulty absorbing more than 30g of protein per meal.

Athletes should not be afraid to eat carbohydrates. Energy is needed to digest proteins and burn fat, although carbohydrates are then turned into fat and stored in the body.

Reducing carbohydrates for a competition must be a slow process. An athlete who weighs 90kg must take daily 200g of protein, 200g of carbohydrates, 40g of fat. Fat is also important because it stores most vitamins and minerals needed.

It is very important to take omega-3s for people with slower metabolism, especially those over 30 years old. Flaxseed oil, nuts, fish, eggs, avocado, are excellent sources of healthy fats. Most athletes must supplement their diet by taking 1,000 mg of fish oil daily for 45 kg of body weight.


One hour before training, make a small meal rich in complex carbohydrates with low glycemic index (to give gradually energy), moderate in protein and low in fats and fibers. Example:

Before training: 1h white bread with two spoons of cottage cheese + 2 slices of turkey ham; 15 minutes 30g dextrin malt or a mixture of carbohydrates diluted in 500ml of fresh water or gel carbohydrates;

During training: Approximately every 15 minutes 200ml of fresh water; After 1 hour of training. Restore electrolytes with carbohydrates.

After training: Immediately Isolated Whey Protein, BCAA, Glutamine, Creatine, Maltodextrin + Dextrose ; 40 to 60 minutes Salad, grilled fish with rice, vegetables and fruit juice.

Some carbohydrates are rich in acids, like grapefruit, which helps burn fat. They must be taken about 30 minutes before training.

To replace carbohydrates after training, you can use a medium chain triglyceride, for example, coconut oil. This fat allows rapid absorption of proteins for repair and construction of muscle fibers and maintains high levels of growth hormone.

An athlete preparing for a competition must reduce fat consumption. The fat loss process for an athlete weighing 90kg and eating 40g of fat daily is as follows:

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