MMA, Jiu-Jitsu and other modalities: they exercise a routine drawn from training and they need their diets to be very well elaborated. Check out our nutrition tips.
The fights, some time ago, fell in the taste of the Brazilian. With the explosion of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), which mixes various fighting modalities, especially with the various athletes that have stood out among international sportsmen, people have been looking for even more fighting sports, in search of strengthening the body, in addition to exercises physiques relevant to muscle gain and muscle definition and toning .
To be a healthy martial arts practitioner , it is necessary in addition to physical training, food and supplements to support the routine of workouts that is usually heavy, especially for those who wish to excel in the sport. However, it is not only through exercises that you can be a good fighter. Combined with much training, persistence and focus, you need to have a balanced and healthy diet and supplements like Whey Protein , BCAA , and Carbohydrates like Dextrose and Waxy Maize can help you to have a better yield.
For those who follow the fights, whether they are MMA or not, they know that they are divided into categories, which use the weight of competitors as their standard. Therefore, also taking care of the weight and the feeding is so important for the athletes, or of fights, or of any sport.
As in bodybuilding, food is a very important point to improve your development in a particular sport. Some foods provide greater strength, energy and muscle gain, prioritize proteins like egg, chicken, meats. Good carbs like sweet potatoes and whole grains , and never forget vegetables that are rich in fiber and vitamins
Feed according to your workouts
Always feed at least one hour before the workouts , to allow time to perform digestion and empty the gastric system;
Low-glycemic foods (apple, plum, yogurt, cornbread, whole noodles) will provide energy for longer as they fall into the bloodstream more slowly, keeping the athlete more energetic and energized during training;
Do not consume heavy foods like milks, cheeses, red meats, after all you do not want to belch and sobbing in the middle of a strangulation.
The hydration is also one of the most important parts. Stay hydrated before, during and after training.
Supplementation for fighters
Let’s suggest some supplements for fighters. But remember: seeking the guidance of a specialized professional will always help you achieve the results and take care of your health.
Maltodextrin / Dextrose
Carbohydrate to generate energy, and can be taken before and during training increasing the level of glucose in the body.
Whey Protein / BCAA / Creatine
Concentrated proteins and their sources of amino acids, indicated for muscle building and strength. In the case of BCAA’s (branched-chain amino acids) can be taken before and after the training, which are very important for muscle reconstruction, thus helping the muscle to recover and can prevent injury.
Whey Protein used after training has rapid absorption, acts on good health and building muscles. The Whey and BCAA combination is perfect for all types of athletes.
In the case of Creatine, take 5 mg per day along with a source of carbohydrate – maltodextrin , dextrose or waxy maize , this amino acid helps in increasing muscle volume, in addition to generating more energy for training, can help in the burst of the athlete due to the increase in ATP, which is the universal carrier of metabolic energy.
In Blog da VocĂȘ Natural you will find specific articles about each supplement mentioned, you can get more doubts about the quantities, times and how to take, read too, because it is worth not to make mistakes.
Diet for those who struggle
The training diet to achieve the results expected by exercise can help and greatly accelerate such a process. Nutritionists advise that the diet is usually 55% carbohydrate, 30% lipid, 15% protein. In addition, vitamins, minerals and lots of liquid should be introduced along with the percentages quoted above.
As they are trainings, most of the time, there is a great wear of the organism. Therefore, the body needs to be supplied with all types of nutrients, otherwise, the performance of the athlete falls, and can cause even more serious problems.
Food can be divided into three groups: energy foods, builders and regulators. Each meal should be filled with a certain amount of each of the three groups, mainly thinking about what will be played a few hours after the meal.
The energy foods are mostly composed of fats and sugars and release energy quickly to the body. They are excellent for those who perform exercises that require a large load of energy quickly. The main energy foods are tuna, sardines, chicken, for meats; cabbage, radish, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, pod, for vegetables and greens; milk and yogurt, for dairy products; and strawberry, orange, pineapple, tomato for fruits .
Food constructors
On the other hand, food builders have as their main function to build the body, muscles and living matter. The main foods that have the property of building tissue are proteins, which come from meat, eggs and milk. However, they should be consumed in the amount really necessary, thinking how much these tissues are worn out during the day and, consequently, the training.
Regulatory Foods
The regulatory foods are mostly of vegetable origin. They provide the body with vitamins and minerals , which are responsible for regulating and maintaining optimal functioning. In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, fibers and water are part of this group and are necessary for the body to be in perfect working order. The main function is to keep the body hydrated and resistant to infections. Some foods that are part of the group are lettuce, beets, broccoli, banana, avocado, grape, plum, among others. Two to four servings of fruits and three to five of vegetables are ideal for regulating the body.
Normally, the athletes’ diet is divided into two parts: the diet during competition and the diet in the pre-competitive period.
Competition period for food
During the competition period the food should be as balanced as possible. Meals must cover intervals of no more than three hours. This is necessary to give the right time for digestion. In addition, the shorter time between one meal and another keeps the body energized for longer. Easily digestible foods, such as carbohydrates and less protein, also help keep the athlete energized during heavier training.
One day before competing , the athlete must maintain a low-fat, low- calorie, and non -greasy food such as cabbage, beans, and eggs. These foods could cause discomfort, especially for fighters who receive blows in places likely to be more sore from gas. Liquid should be consumed half an hour before the fight. Alcohol, tea, coffee and soft drinks should be avoided, mainly because of the diuretic effect they provide.
During training
Already during the training , feed as described previously, with portions of the three groups, regulators, builders and energetics, with the correct percentage of food, 55% carbohydrates, 30% lipids, 15% protein.
Remember, these percentages of macronutrients are simply to clarify points. So also with regard to supplements. As each organism has singularities, it is necessary to consult a doctor and a nutritionist to know the best diet to be followed, thinking about its purposes in the short, medium and long term.